Thommo In The Fog

Irish Stamp

Forum Moderator
Mar 21, 2004
Does anyone have a link to that commentary Thommo did in the mist/fog a couple of years ago the "there's a light" and "if you see first shout" one?
A Far funnier one was when the late Raymond Glenndeing was on radio same race? (NOVEMBER HANDICAP) but in the 60's he called the winner who was last and the last was the winner........ honest............ :laughing:
Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Nov 8 2007, 09:38 PM
A Far funnier one was when the late Raymond Glenndeing was on radio same race? (NOVEMBER HANDICAP) but in the 60's he called the winner who was last and the last was the winner........ honest............ :laughing:
You had to be there.

Tony O'Hehir once admitted to completely inventing a commentary at Phoenix Park when he couldn't see the field. He even spoke to an eminent trainer after the race. "Your filly ran well" said O'Hehir. "Yes" came a slightly bemused reply, "she'd have run even better if she actually went into the stalls!"